B M Motoring Centre Limited 53-55 Broad Street, Staple Hill, Bristol, BS16 5LS 01179 567411
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Wheel Alignment

BM Motoring | 4-Wheel Tyre Alignment


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If you are experiencing irregular tyre wear, handling problems or a crooked steering wheel, an alignment check should be performed. Ignoring signs of misaligned wheels can reduce the life of your tyres, and can even cause driver assist systems to malfunction. Even without experiencing these problems, most vehicle manufacturers recommend checking your alignment every 10,000 miles or 12 months; whichever comes first. The latest alignment inspection technology allows alignment to be checked every visit.

So here at BM Motoring we are proud to use the market leader in wheel alignment equipment - Absolute Alignment. To find out more why Absolute Alignment is the best, or if you simply would like your alignment checked. Pop the check in the basket page and we can sort the rest on the day of fitting. Costs can vary depending on your vehicle type so give our centre a call if you require accurate pricing before visiting


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